The Advisory Board for The Nigeria Prize for Literature has shortlisted 11 of the 73 books in the race for the 2016 literature prize.
The shortlist comprises entries from Nigerian writers at home and in the Diaspora. It parades well-known writers as well as first time novelists. Chika Unigwe, winner of The Nigeria Prize for Literature 2012 with her book On Black Sister’s Street and judge for the 2017 Manbooker Prize, is on the list with her entry Night Dancer published in 2014. Sefi Atta, author of the widely popular Everything Good Will Comewith her entry A Bit of Difference as is Ogochukwu Promise, author of over fifteen novels, founder of Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa and two-time contender for The Nigeria Prize for Literature, is in with her book Sorrow’s Joy; Abubakar Adam Ibrahim, writer and journalist with Season of Crimson Blossoms; Yejide Kilanko, a writer of poetry and fiction with her debut novel Daughters Who Walk This Path. Ifeoma Okoye, a writer and author of children’s literature got on the list with The Fourth World; and Elnathan John with his novel, Born On A Tuesday.
Others on the list include another past contender for The Nigeria Prize for Literature are Ifeoluwa Adeniyi, a radio broadcaster with her debut novel On the Bank of the River; Aramide Segun, winner of an Association of Nigerian Authors Prose Prize for her debut book The Third Dimple with her novel Eniitan Daughter of Destiny; Mansim Chumah Okafor, author of two previous books of fiction with The Parable of the Lost Shepherds; and Maryam Awaisu, radio presenter with her first novel Burning Bright.
The list was presented by the chairman, panel of judges for this year’s prize, Prof. Dan Izevbaye, well-respected literary critic and a professor of English Language at Bowen University, Iwo. Other members of the panel of judges include Professor Asabe Usman Kabir, Professor of Oral and African Literatures at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto and Professor Isidore Diala, a professor of African Literature at Imo State University, Owerri and first winner of The Nigeria Prize for Literary Criticism.
As in the past, the contest for Africa’s most prestigious literature prize promises to be keen.
The Nigeria Prize for Literature has, since 2004, rewarded eminent writers such as Gabriel Okara (co-winner, 2004, poetry), Prof Ezenwa Ohaeto (co-winner, 2004, poetry) for The Dreamer, His Vision; Ahmed Yerima (2005, drama) for his play, Hard Ground; Mabel Segun (co-winner, 2007, children’s literature) for her collection of short plays Reader’s Theatre; Professor Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo (co-winner, 2007, children’s literature) for her book, My Cousin Sammy; Kaine Agary (2008, prose) for her book Yellow Yellow; Esiaba Irobi (2010, drama) who clinched the prize posthumously with his book Cemetery Road; Adeleke Adeyemi (2011, children’s literature) with his book The Missing Clock; Chika Unigwe (2012, prose), with her novel, On Black Sisters Street; Tade Ipadeola (2013, poetry) with his collection of poems, The Sahara Testaments andProfessor Sam Ukala (2014, drama) with his play, Iredi War.
The Nigeria Prize for Literature rotates yearly amongst four literary genres: prose fiction, poetry, drama and children’s literature. The 2016 prize is for prose fiction and comes with a cash award of $100, 000. Next year’s genre will be poetry.
Nigeria LNG Limited remains committed to responsible corporate citizenship and The Nigeria Prize for Literature is one of its numerous contributions towards building a better Nigeria.
A shortlist of three is expected in September and a winner, if any, will be announced by the Advisory Board, led by Emeritus Professor Ayo Banjo, in October.
Women Dominate the List


Nigerian female writers have continued
their impressive run in the country’s and global literary field with
several signals that they have more surprises to spring. Buttressing
this is the shortlist of the Nigeria Prize for Literature on which there
are eight female writers and three males.
Many would say it is too early to
celebrate any writer or gender on a rather long list of 11 people. Yet,
others will be tickled by the huge female presence, with some of the
country’s best tender writers standing tall on the list released by the
Nigeria LNG-sponsored Advisory Board for The Nigeria Prize for
Literature, led by Emeritus Prof. Ayo Banjo. Indeed, some of them have
won major awards home and abroad.
The list parades Chika Unigwe, winner of the prize in 2012 (with her book On Black Sister’s Street), now coming back with Night Dancer,
published in 2014. Another multiple award winner there is Ogochukwu
Promise, author of over 15 novels, who is also the founder of the Wole
Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa. Interestingly, Ogochukwu is also
a two-time contender for The Nigeria Prize for Literature and is now in
the race with her book, Sorrow’s Joy.
Other female writers on the list are Yejide Kilanko, a writer of poetry and fiction with her debut novel, Daughters Who Walk This Path; Ifeoma Okoye, author of children’s literature, now contending with The Fourth World; Sefi Atta, author of the widely popular Everything Good Will Come, with her A Bit of Difference; Ifeoluwa Adeniyi, a radio broadcaster with On the Bank of the River; Aramide Segun, winner of an Association of Nigerian Authors Prose Prize for her debut book, The Third Dimple, with her novel Eniitan Daughter of Destiny; and Maryam Awaisu, also a radio presenter, in the race with her first novel, Burning Bright.
The three strong men among the amazons are Abubakar Ibrahim, writer and journalist contending with Season of Crimson Blossoms; Elnathan John, Born On A Tuesday; and Mansim Okafor, The Parable of the Lost Shepherds.
According to the General Manager,
External Relations of Nigeria LNG, Mr. Kudo Eresia-Eke, the list was
presented by the chairman, panel of judges for this year’s prize, Dan
Izevbaye, an acclaimed literary critic and a professor of English
Language at the Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State. Other members of the
panel include Prof. Asabe Kabir, Professor of Oral and African
Literatures at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, and Isidore Diala, a
professor of African Literature at Imo State University, Owerri and
first winner of The Nigeria Prize for Literary Criticism.
Saying the long list came out of 173
entries, Kudo Eresia-Eke says, “As in the past, the contest for Africa’s
most prestigious literature prize promises to be keen. The Nigeria
Prize for Literature has, since 2004, rewarded eminent writers such as
Gabriel Okara (co-winner, 2004, poetry); Prof. Ezenwa Ohaeto (co-winner,
2004, poetry) for The Dreamer, His Vision; Ahmed Yerima (2005, drama) for his play, Hard Ground; Mabel Segun (co-winner, 2007, children’s literature) for her collection of short plays Reader’s Theatre; Prof. Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo (co-winner, 2007, children’s literature) for her book, My Cousin Sammy.”
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