Author: Richard Bourne
Reviewer: Olutayo C. Adesina
Publisher: Zed Books
Pages: 353
Year: 2015
Publisher: Zed Books
Pages: 353
Year: 2015
Since its founding in 1914, Nigeria has not ceased to
confound a plethora of observers, commentators, political pundits and
students of history and politics. Nigeria became ‘One’ country in 1914.
But what did this mean for the disparate ethnic groups populating the
country? The ‘Nigerian’ identity welding the groups together has
remained blurred and inchoate.
Each group within the country has kept almost intact, its deep fears
and insidious biases. It is the strength of Richard Bourne’s current
book that it highlights and explains some of the causes and course of
the problems and forces associated with the evolution, growth and
development of the Nigerian state. In five richly supported sections,
the author has taken us through the historical experiences of the
country and its peoples.
Nigeria’s colonial experiences occupy a significant portion of
Bourne’s attention, with nine of the eleven chapters in Sections 1 and 2
devoted to a detailed analysis of the effects of colonial rule on the
state and society. Marshalling his considerable analytic and narrative
skills, the author in ten other chapters spanning sections 2, 3 and 4
detailed the independence and post-independence experiences of Nigerians
from 1960 to 2015. Section 5, which is the last section of the book is
devoted to interesting reflections on the nature of politics, ethnicity,
religion, oil, poverty, inequity and the possibility of the country
staying together as one.
Since the country’s independence from Imperial Britain in 1960, the
literature on Nigeria, has with few exceptions made it a clear vocation
to trace the tempestuous history of one of Britain’s most productive and
problematic colonies from its pre-colonial and colonial past. This
approach has since allowed for a more perceptive understanding of the
country’s structure, orientations, multiple loyalties and conflicting
emotions that have come to suffuse the entire country.
Richard Bourne’s recent treatment of Nigerian history has followed
this pattern. His book provides a comprehensive overview of the history
of modern Nigeria leveraging on the country’s diversity and political
power play.
Of course, the complexity of interfacing the different phases of
Nigeria’s historical development within the present national context and
the course of events over the years have yielded greater insights into
the evolution of the Nigerian state and its people.
For instance, he demonstrates the colonial legacy that persisted in
the post-colonial period in a vibrantly profound way. It is the author’s
clinical treatment of the significance of the period from 1914 to 1960
about indirect rule, taxation, rebellion, the interwar years, wartime
needs, unionism, the shift in elite opinion, constitutionalism, the
politics of nationalism, regionalism, and the promise and failure of the
first critical years of independence that distinguish this book from
previous works.
The dexterity with which he treated the years of military rule and
the damaging effects of this on the country’s body-politic is clear and
formidable. Richard Bourne’s book, whether intentionally or not, serves
more to substantiate and appreciate the capacity of Nigerians to survive
and bond together in the face of adversarial politics and bad blood.
After all, he recognised this fact from several of his informants
that Nigeria remains a “country that periodically looks over the
precipice but that, except during the civil war, has never been in the
most serious danger of falling.” (p.194). Can this still be replicated
in the poisoned atmosphere of 2017? Only time will tell.
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